Explore ageLOC Youth
Explore ageLOC Youth
ageLOC Youth
The power to defy your age
Introducing ageLOC Youth, a revolutionary supplement that helps revitalize your aging defense mechanisms. Nu Skin’s most advanced anti-aging supplement ever, ageLOC Youth, is designed to promote your youth span—the years you can enjoy life being more active, energetic, and healthy.*
At Nu Skin, we have built upon our nutritional and antioxidant anti-aging knowledge with the addition of our anti-aging gene expression research that is at the forefront of scientific innovation. We have a unique understanding of how gene expression affects our aging defense mechanisms (ADM’s). This enables us to create products that target the sources of aging. ageLOC Youth promotes positive expression of key groups of genes and delivers enhanced nutritional benefits.*
Using our proprietary gene expression research and the most robust anti-aging scientific literature, we selected ingredients based on their unique health benefits and their ability to positively impact gene expression related to our aging defense mechanisms.
Our scientific approach with ageLOC Youth is different from multivitamins and mineral supplements that are focused primarily on filling nutritional gaps. These ingredients are found in diets from all over the world—many of which promote well-known health benefits.
ageLOC Youth delivers an all-encompassing anti-aging protection. It promotes a wide range of functions from your heart to your brain—your bones to your metabolism.*
A variety of aging aggressors cause us to age, but our aging defense mechanisms help keep us young.
Now you can hold onto your youth so you can keep doing what you love throughout your life. The innovation of ageLOC Youth combines over 30 years of anti-aging research with the latest knowledge of the world’s best ingredients. These ingredients target the source of aging throughout the body. ageLOC Youth gives you the power to defy your age.*
*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
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