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S3 biophotonic scanner





Troubleshooting steps for S3 Scanner


Practical information


What if…


1-    The iPad says that the Scanner is already linked to another device and you can’t link the iPad to your Scanner

  • The Scanner is already linked to another iPad and this is the reason why you cannot link your own iPad to it.
  • After the last scan session, you did not properly disconnect the iPad from the S3 Scanner and this is why the device is frozen and wants to connect to an iPad. In this case, please close the app (tap on the HOME button twice and slide to have the S3 Scanner App icon removed from the page), restart your iPad and Scanner, and try to link them again.
  • For more information, watch the following video on Office: Disconnect and Close your Devices.

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2-    You linked your S3 Scanner to your iPad but you can’t perform any scans

  • This could be because of one of two reasons: 1. You did not sync your Scanner in the past 14 days and now the system is asking for a synchronisation of your records 2. You may have a software upgrade available and you can’t perform any scans until your version of the S3 Scanner App or iOS software is updated. You can check if there are updates for your S3 Scanner App  by going to the S3 Scanner App/Support and tapping on the CHECK FOR UPDATE button. For iOS, please go to the iPad settings menu/GENERAL and tap on SOFTWARE UPDATE.

3-    You don’t regularly upgrade the version of your iOS software and S3 Scanner App

  • Most probably you will not be able to initiate a scan if your software is outdated or at least one of the new functions created for you is not available. Check question 2 above to see how you can easily upgrade your iOS and S3 Scanner sofware.


4-    The Scanner has a Red X on the LCD

  • Red X is the most common issue we have with the S3 Scanner. As we know how important your Scanner is to your business, we released a new video (Red X) on Office, which provides a great explanation on what the Red X error image is and guides you step-by-step through the process of solving this issue.


Great tips to help you solve the issue:

 I. Determine what is causing the Red X. To do this, you need to note when the Red X is appearing on the screen. Is it when you start a dark scan, or try to connect to a Scanner via Bluetooth? Or is it some other scenario?

 II. Check the dark cap and make sure there isn’t any kind of problem with it (i.e. cracks allowing light to get in during the dark scan, or gunk on the inside of the dark cap causing a signal to be produced during the dark scan).

 III. Try a different dark cap. 

 IV. Try resetting the Bluetooth on both the iPad and the Scanner before attempting to connect them again. 

 V. Ask the Scanner Lease Holders to discharge the Scanner itself and when it is fully discharged to charge it completely and try to restart.


Watch the video now




1-    Do you receive the error message: “This Scan Card is not activated?”

  • The Scan Card you are trying to use had been used previously but has not been linked to an active ADR with Scanner Certified Products, so the Re-scan is not possible. Add the Scan Card to your customer’s active ADR and offer him/her the free Re-scan.
  • The Scan Card you are trying to use has been added to an ADR, which was deleted in the meantime or from which the Scanner Certified Products were removed, so the Scan Card was deactivated making the free Re-scan impossible.


2-    After a scan, your customer did not receive the Scannee email containing their scan performance

  • If you forgot to set your region and language immediately after you installed or reinstalled the S3 Scanner App, the system will not be able to send the email to your customer or the email will be sent in a foreign language. See the video in Office that contains steps on how to set your region and language! Please don’t forget to check these settings after every installation of the app or every upgrade.
  • You might not be connected to WIFI, please check your connection again and make sure that your iPad is online.
  • The email address entered might be invalid. Ask your customer to confirm the email address and contact your Market Scanner Coordinator for further help.
  • You were trying to send an email after the Subsequent Scan. The app is able to send the Scannee email to your customer only after the Initial Scan and not if you performed a Re-scan. 

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3-    The Scan History graph is not showing anything


  • The previous scans were not made on the same iPad.
  • Due to reinstallation of the app all previous records were deleted from the app so the system is not able to collect your data.

4-    The Re-scan button is not active


  • The Scan Card was not linked to an active ADR, so the free Re-scan is not available.
  • The Scan Card was already used during the current month, so the Re-scan will be available only after the first of the following month.