Scanner Lease Agreement and Regulatory Issue


Scanner Lease Agreement and Regulatory Issue

Keep up to date with Nu Skin’s marketing guidelines and the details of your Scanner Lease Agreement.


Marketing guidelines – scanning children under 18 years

Nu Skin’s main focus has long been anti-ageing targeted towards healthy adult consumers. Analysing the skin carotenoid level of children under 18 years of age through use of the Scanner is not permitted, as written in your Scanner Lease Agreement. Please also refrain from posting pictures showing children being scanned with the BioPhotonic Scanner.

When used properly, The Scanner is a marvellous tool intended to help you grow your Pharmanex business by showing consumers that LifePak+ can increase the carotenoid level in skin tissue. The Scanner, however, is not intended to be used for medical purposes. It is not a medical device or diagnostic tool of any kind and cannot diagnose, treat, mitigate, cure or prevent any disease or affect the structure or any function of the body. It is also not a health assessment tool.


You can find a general summary of what may (and may not) be claimed about, and done with,The Scanner in the Office Library.


Your Scanner Lease and you

The Pharmanex® BioPhotonic Scanner is intended to show consumers that our SCS qualified products can provide the body with an adequate amount of carotenoids. However, when signing the S3 Scanner Lease Agreement there are a few things that you need to keep in mind:

  1. To start your Scanner lease you need to pay a Scanner down payment and a Scanner shipment fee.

  2. To maintain your Scanner Lease you need to maintain your Brand Representative status and perform regular scans.

  3. Lease Holders shall pay the Lessor a monthly Rental Payment on the seventh (7th) day following the end of each calendar month. Rental Payments shall be payable by the Lease Holder’s credit card, which information appears on Schedule A.

  4. If any amount payable under this Agreement is not paid by the twenty fifth (25th) day following the end of the respective calendar month, the Lessor may de-activate the S3 Scanner without further notice.

  5. No person under the age of 18 can be scanned. Nu Skin’s main focus is targeting adult consumers.

  6. The S3 Scanner is not is a medical device, medical equipment, or diagnostic device or tool of any kind for diagnosing illness, disease, or symptoms of disease, or that the Equipment or Related Software is intended to affect the structure or any function of the human body.

  7. If the Scanner Lease Holder is permitting other distributors to use and operate the Equipment and Related Software, the Lease Holder shall continue to remain liable for all of its obligations under this Agreement.

  8. In consideration of the payment of a monthly Loss&Damage waiver of 15 Euro excl. VAT (or equivalent in local currency), the Lease Holder is required to compensate the Lessor for the costs of repair (in case of damage) or replacement (in case of loss or theft) of the S3 Scanner, including the carrying case, for any amount below  500 Euro plus VAT (or equivalent in local currency).

  9. The Scanner Lease Holder is responsible for the lease Equipment during the whole leasing period and in case of termination the Equipment shall be properly packaged and shipped back at the Lease Holder’s expense.

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