Understanding the 12 Week LumiSpa Efficacy Study

The ageLOC LumiSpa device that cleanses and tightens pores.


Nu Skin Research and Development conducts multiple studies and makes them available to its sales leaders and customers. Sometimes the information related to these studies can be confusing and difficult to decipher. Let’s look at the ageLOC LumiSpa System 12 Week Clinical Efficacy Study and break down what it is saying.


To start, we evaluated three different groups of individuals. We used fair to medium skinned females, age 35-65 years old, which is typical for these types of studies. They were assigned to each group based on their skin type so that we could better understand how different skin types responded to the different product combinations deemed most appropriate.


Each of the participants then used the LumiSpa system for 12 weeks. They assessed their skin responding to a questionnaire at baseline weeks one, two, four, eight and twelve to provide self-perception results. Their skin was also assessed by a trained clinical grader at these time points. The clinical evaluation is more objective, while the self-perception assessment provides more insight into how a consumer will view their own skin changes or improvements.



Statistically significant improvements were noted by the participants in the visible skin beauty characteristics listed below. Statistically significant means that enough individuals saw improvements that the improvement was deemed the benefit of the product over chance. The improvements seen by the participants in their skin’s attributes listed below wouldn’t have happened on their own, but was instead due to their use of the LumiSpa System.


• Softness       

• Smoothness

• Cleansing

• Brightness

• Radiance

• Clarity

• Luminosity

• Pore Appearance

• Firmness


Additionally, the improvements in the number of characteristics and the intensity of these improvements increased throughout the study. At week one, subjects were first able to see improvements in skin softness and smoothness. During week two, smoothness and softness scores improved, but cleansing, brightness, radiance and clarity were also noted. All of these characteristics improved at week four, as well as improved luminosity and a reduced appearance of pores. By week eight, visible improvements in skin firmness was noted.


Another interesting point is that the improvements varied by each group. This was to be expected as different skin types have unique needs. Those with oily skin didn’t see the one-week benefits of skin softness (18%) that those with dry (30%) or even normal to combination (40%) skin experienced. This is likely that those with oily skin don’t have as much room for improvement compared to their other skin types.



The clinical grader data provides similar insights. The clinical grader saw improvements in each group for skin attributes similar to the subjects themselves:


• Cleansing

• Firmness

• Radiance

• Clarity

• Appearance of pores

• Softness

• Smoothness


Here again we can see those between group differences. While 100% of subjects were graded to have improvements in skin cleansing, this was seen as early as week one for both the dry and normal to combination skin groups. Yet, it took the oily group longer to get there. Yet, visible improvements in skin firmness was less pervasive in the dry group compared to the oily and normal to combination groups.



This study illustrates that the rate of skin benefits will differ for individuals based on their skin types. It also shows that each skin type will benefit from using the ageLOC LumiSpa system.


Visit this link to learn more about ageLOC LumiSpa.


K.C. Holley

Written by:

K.C. Holley

Manager R&D-Claims, Communications & Education

Nu Skin

